17 Jan 2018

Tricor Group Announces New Group CEO and Non-Executive Chairman

Tricor Group (“Tricor”), the leading provider of integrated Business, Corporate and Investor Services in Asia Pacific, is delighted to announce today the appointment of Lennard Yong as new Group CEO and Gordon Watson as Non-Executive Chairman.

Lennard Yong will assume the role of Group CEO as of January 29, 2018, taking the reins from long-time Group CEO Johnny Ng as part of a planned succession process. Lennard has more than 22 years of financial services experience in banking and life insurance, as well as asset management, in roles based out of Hong Kong, Amsterdam and Sydney. He is also a qualified Chartered accountant (ANZ) and CPA (Aus).

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Tricor Group Announces New Group CEO and Non-Executive Chairman

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Country: APAC