Privacy Policy

Permira takes privacy seriously. For information about how and why we process your personal data, please read the applicable privacy notice(s) below. If you are uncertain about which privacy notice you should be referring to, please contact us at

Notice Who should be referring to this notice?

General privacy notice

  • Visitors to
  • Visitors to our premises.
  • Officers, directors, employees, advisors, intermediaries and other representatives of our suppliers, advisers and other service providers.
  • Officers, directors, employees, advisors, intermediaries and other representatives of regulators and government bodies.
  • In some cases, former employees and staff members.
  • Anyone with whom we exchange email correspondence.

Investor privacy notice

  • Current, prospective and former investors in our funds.
  • Beneficial owners, officers, trustees, nominees, agents, representatives and/or employees and other staff members of current, prospective and former investors in our funds.

Investee privacy notice

  • Current, prospective and former beneficial owners, officers, trustees, nominees, agents, advisors, representatives and/or employees and other staff members of the businesses in which we invest ("Investees").
  • Current, prospective and former beneficial owners, officers, trustees, nominees, agents, advisors, representatives and/or employees and other staff members of the businesses that sell Investees to us and acquire Investees from us (or, where we acquire Investees from or sell Investees to natural persons, those persons).

Co-investor privacy notice

  • Current, prospective and former co-investors in our investments.
  • Beneficial owners, officers, trustees, nominees, agents, representatives and/or employees and other staff members of current, prospective and former co-investors.

Portfolio Company Customers

  • For current, prospective, and former customers of our portfolio companies
  • Please note that each Permira fund portfolio company may also have its own privacy notice providing information on how it processes personal data. Please refer to each Permira fund portfolio company's website for further details.

Notice at Collection for Employees (United States)

  • For current or former employees, partners, contractors, agency worker, secondee, or work experience participant based in the US.