Silvia Payo López
Fund Operations - Director
Silvia joined Permira Credit in September 2022 and works within the Fund Administration team.
Prior to joining Permira Credit, Silvia spent six years at Sanne Group in Madrid, most recently in the Loan Agency & Operations team. Prior to that, Silvia spent almost foiur years at INDRA, providing loan agency services to CAIXABANK.
Prior to joining Permira Credit, Silvia spent six years at Sanne Group in Madrid, most recently in the Loan Agency & Operations team. Prior to that, Silvia spent almost foiur years at INDRA, providing loan agency services to CAIXABANK.
Silvia has a Bachelor in Chemical Engineering and Bachelor of Business Management & Administration, both from Rey Juan Carlos University.
Permira Asesores SL.
C/ de José Ortega y Gasset 100
3rd floor
28006 Madrid
C/ de José Ortega y Gasset 100
3rd floor
28006 Madrid